Mabira Forest Reserve | Uganda Adventure

Mabira Forest Reserve | Uganda Adventure

Mabira Forest Reserve | Uganda Adventure : this rain forest is located in Buikwe District along the KampalaJinja highway. It has been protected as a reserve since 1932 with enormous bio diversity. It consists of about 312 tree species, 218 species of butterflies, 315 bird species and 40 species of small mammals. These include; vervet monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, grey cheeked Mangabey, not to mention but a few. Historically, the reserve suffered tremendously from logging, poaching and encroachment by poor farmers during the Idi Amin’s regime. Later after the end of the civil war in 1985, conservation and reforestation efforts began seriously. As a result, this led to the expulsion of the small farmers from occupying within the forest.

Activities carried out in Mabira forest
Zip lining

Zipline in Mabira forest reserveThis activity is only found in Uganda among the East African countries. In fact this activity is done above the tree tops at 60$ per person. During this activity you have a chance of viewing the forest and all creatures that dwell in it. These include; the vervet monkeys, Mangabey monkeys, baboons, red tailed monkeys and many more. Here, you are by accompanied by a professional guide with provided equipment that meets the standard of safety of a visitor. However, this activity is done in two shifts morning and afternoon depending on the visitor’s interest lasting for 4-5 hours.


Due to the presence fruits and insects, Mabira forest inhabits over 315 bird species. These include; the rare Nahan’s francolin, buff-spotted wood peckers, white-bellied kingfisher. Cassin hawk-eagle, Blake bellied seed cracker, Hadada ibis, Black and white caqued hornbills, etc. Birders are well awarded since these are easily spotted even in one area, and this activity costs from25$ half day to 35$ full day.

Mountain biking

This is an interesting activity carried out in the well maintained trails within the forest. This basically enables you explore the forest and the surrounding communities. The forest has got different trails including; white (5km), yellow (12km) and red trails(33km) which can be completed in one day with a bike. The bikes are hired from the companies in charge and while during this activity, you will have an opportunity to encounter birds, primates, butterflies, and different tree species. This activity costs from 60$ per person (minimum 4 people).

Nature walks

These can be done without a tour guide however for the best experience within the forest you need a resident guide. The guide should be knowledgeable about the ancient tree species, water bodies, primates, butterflies and birds. This activity is perfect for all age groups and doesn’t require any fitness. Since this activity is favorable to everyone it costs only 10$ per person.

Uganda Mangabey monkey trekking

Also known as the Lophocebus Ugandae is a rare type of monkeys commonly found here. These do live in groups of 5 comprising of 30 individuals living in the forest canopy. There are basically 3 habituated groups which are open to tourism. You will also encounter other primates such as the Red tailed and vervet monkeys and bird species as well as butterflies etc.

Camping in Mabira Forest

The flora and fauna found in Mabira forest provides the best environment for camping and picnics. There are picnic sites which are well organized and trails from the picnic sites which take about 20minutes through various forests streams and ancient trees. The hotels arrange for the cultural dances and entertainments that the tourists can enjoy while on their visit. While going for camping you can choose to hire a tent or come along with your own personal tents.

Butterfly Identification

Mabira Forest is one of the places with huge numbers of butterflies. In fact, there are over 218 butterfly species and 97 moth species found in the forest. You will be accompanied by a professional tour guide through the different trails. He will also help you learn more about their different names, characteristics of the different butterfly and moth species thus making your safari an interesting one.

Where to stay

The forest offers you a wide range of lodge accommodations that range from luxury, midrange and budget these include;

  • The rainforest lodge
  • The observatory lodge
  • Nile front cottages
  • K&K Guest House
  • Holland Park
  • Jinja base camp
  • Villa Anona Guest House
How to get to Mabira Forest

This forest is found along the KampalaJinja highway about 54km distance from Kampala and 20km from Jinja by road transport in Najjembe village.

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