Lutembe Bay Wetland | Uganda birding

Lutembe Bay Wetland | Uganda birding

Lutembe bay wetland | Uganda birding : is a Ramsar site and Important Bird Area (IBA) on Lake Victoria located about 4 km off the KampalaEntebbe highway from Namulanda. The Bay is generally one of Uganda’s 33 Important Bird Areas and since 2006 a Ramsar-listed wetland of international importance. In addition, this bay is notable for its population of as many as 1.5m white-winged tern. This bay being a wetland on Lake Victoria is home to lots of water and wetland associated birds. However, the site extends beyond the papyrus filled lake shore to cover more wooded grasslands, thickets and gardens. As a matter of fact, these contribute to a high diversity and volume of birds in Lutembe area with over 200 species of birds. Additionally, the wetland is home to 8 of the 12 Lake Victoria biome species in Uganda.

Birds spotted at the bay

Bird species include; Tawny Pipit, Madagascar squacco heron, Purple starling, House sparrow, Brown twin spot. Fawn-breasted waxbill, Black-necked weaver, Holub’s golden weaver, Speckle-breasted Woodpecker. Africa-pygmy kingfisher, Scaly francolin, Black kite, Grey-backed fiscal, Black-headed gonolek. Black-crowned waxbill, Barn swallow, Helmeted guinea fowl, Wire-tailed swallow. Brimstone and the Yellow-fronted canaries, Little ringed plover, Collared pratincole, Splendid sterling.

Pin-tailed whydah, Yellow-browed camaroptera, Common waxbill, Marico sunbird, Tree pipit, Grosbeak weaver. Blue-breasted bee-eater, Cape wagtail, Africa wattled lapwing, Senegal lapwing, Yellow-throated longclaw. White-headed saw-wing, Broad-billed roller, White-browed and the Brown-backed scrub-robins. Whiskered tern, Lead-coloured flycatcher, African green pigeon, Sooty chat, Plain-backed pipit, Tropical Boubou, etc. 

Attractions at Lutembe bay
Bird watching

The bay just like a number of other bays, does support quite a big population of about 200 different bird species and 26 of these are migrants. This group of birds includes the endangered species like the Holub’s golden weaver, the African pygmy kingfisher, etc. Other birds include; the road-billed Roller, the Brown-backed Scrub-robins. Whiskered tern, Lead-coloured flycatcher, the tropical Boubou, African green pigeon, Sooty chat, etc. In fact, the existence of these birds makes it a great birding spot in the country.

The migratory species come from as far as Liberia and cross over into East Africa landing at the shores of Lake Victoria in Entebbe. There are also those that migrate from countries like Russia, the Scandinavian countries and also from the Main land of Europe. Once they land, they usually stay for about 6-9 months after which they fly back to wherever they came from to breed. Most of these birds usually start arriving in the bay around September or October and then depart in the middle of February or March. They always fly back when the weather is favorable for them to breed and the cycle repeats itself the following year.


The wetland is also a home to a great number of butterfly species and it is recorded that over 100 butterfly species exists. These include; the 3 rare species that are not recorded in any other IBA of Uganda. These species include; Acraea Pharsalus, Belenois solilucis and Cacyreus virilis. Thus, these makes it a perfect safari destination for Butterfly lovers in Uganda.

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