The Sempaya Hot Springs in Uganda

The Sempaya Hot Springs in Uganda

The Sempaya Hot Springs in Uganda : is the most activity within Semuliki National park and is a must-do for all tourists to this Park. There are generally two Hot springs; The Male hot spring called Biteete and the female called Nyasimbi. Biteete measures about 12 meters in diameter while Nyasimbi is a boiling geyser that ejects out hot water and steam at about 2 meters into the air. Attracting hordes of tourists each year, these hot springs have a geyser that shoots up from a hole at  hot temperatures.

In fact, the water is so hot in that you can boil an egg and eat it within ten minutes. Since both springs reaches 100 degrees Celsius, it is well known in history that you can cook food with 5-10 minutes. Besides, the park hosts primate species and these include; the red-tailed monkey, grey-cheeked mangabey, etc. Bird species include; hornbills, blue-breasted kingfisher, yellow throated tinkerbird, Frasier’s ant-thrush, etc.

History behind Sempaya

The name ‘Sempaya’ was derived from builders who could speak Swahili. Most of the locals know the hot springs as Sempaya which originated from a Kiswahili phrase Sehemu mbaya. This resulted from the steep challenging rocks and terrain. This was during the construction of the Fort Portal- Bundibugyo road along the ridges of the Rwenzori Mountains. On the other hand, scientists have a technical explanation to the origins of the hot springs. However, the indigenous Bamaga clan neighboring the tourist attraction in Semuliki National Park have also their own story from the folk lore.Sempaya geysers are steeped in a legend of the Bamaga clan, among the Bamba.

It is said a man named Biteete went hunting in the thick forest but one time never returned home. After three days, the men went out to search for him and at the present day male hot spring. Surprisingly, they only found a spear but no traces of the man. It was assumed he had disappeared from the same spot and they ran back to tell the wife Nyansimbi. A few days later, Nyasimbi mounted the search to clear mysteries around her missing husband. She also disappeared in the forest and only her clothes were found at the present day female hot springs. This was how the two springs became to be known as the male and female hot springs. To-date the Bamaga believe their female ancestors live beneath the female hot spring while their male ancestors live at the male springs. 

How to reach at the springs

It takes approximately 52-kilometre drive from the city centre of KampalaUganda on tarmac to reach Sempaya. It can also be reached via a short guided walking trail not more than 500m from the Sempaya Information Office.

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