Gorilla Habituated Groups | Uganda Gorilla Safaris

Gorilla Habituated Groups | Uganda Gorilla Safaris

Gorilla Habituated Groups | Uganda Gorilla Safaris : this was initially introduced by the Uganda Wildlife authority for visitors. Additionally, this adventure gives tourists more time with a greater chance to get to know more about the mountain gorillas. In Uganda gorilla habituation is mostly done in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park with over 12 habituated Groups. On the other hand, Mgahinga has got only one habituated gorilla family called Nyakagezi. However, only two groups at Nkuringo and Rushaga were set aside as the gorilla families available for habituation. These include; Bushaho and Bikingi Gorilla families and both located in Bwindi. Bikingi is located in the Rushaga sector of Park while Bushaho family thrives within the Nkuringo sector.

What you need to know about Gorilla Habituation
  • Here, only 4 tourists are allowed to be part of the habituation.
  • The mountain gorilla habituation permit is sold at $1500 per person for FNR while for EAC 750,000/= 
  • Permits can be bought from the Uganda wildlife authority or got through a trusted tour operator.
  • The gorilla habituation permits should be booked early enough since there are very few slots for tourists. Besides, that the mountain gorilla habituation process is a highly desired activity.
  • Tourists are expected to report to the park headquarters by 7:30 am in the morning for a briefing about the whole process. While here, they are also told about the major safety procedures to follow while in the forest. This is done to ensure a successful jungle expedition and to get the best of the habituation experience.
  • The mountain gorilla habituation rules and regulations are similar to the mountain gorilla trekking rules.
  • After the briefing, tourists are directed to the forest as they follow the mountain gorilla group undergoing habituation. The four hours with the gorillas does not include the time taken to hike. This makes habituation experience a very enjoyable activity more than just mountain gorilla tracking where tourists only spend an hour.
Mountain Gorilla Groups 

Uganda hosts 17 habituated gorilla families and each gorilla family is appointed 8 gorilla permits per day for visitors. 

Rushegura gorilla group

This family is located in Buhoma and has 19 members with one silverback. However, the number may change depending on members joining in and out, new born arrival and death. In fact, the group separated from its former family Habinyanja in Rushegura place in the year 2002. The separation was led by Mwirimu who loved staying at a close range with his family members. He later broke away with 7 members including 5 females, other gorillas joined him and they became 12 members.

In 2010 he became stable with his family which increased to 19 members. At the age of 25 Mwirima shows his strength of ruling and even winning fights over other wild gorillas. The family used to cross to the neighboring country DRC but always came back and settled in their home of BwindiThis group is one of the calmest families and are usually seen wandering around the lodge gardens. They do not shy away from visitors, which gives them a chance to have a close look as they carry out their daily activities.

Habinyanja gorilla group

The family is in Buhoma sector and derives its name from a Rukinga word “Nyanja”, “a place with water”. The reason for this name is that the group was first seen near swamp ponds in Bwindi Park. Generally, the gorilla family was habituated in 1997 and first visited by tourists in 1999. At the time of habituation the group was led by the dominant silverback “Mugurisi” which means “Old man”. After passing away because of old age, the two brothers Rwansigazi and Mwirima shared power. Rwansigazi was supposed to succeed Mugurisi but because at the time of his death Mwirima had equally grown stronger and thus wanted challenge for family leadership.

Gorillas in BwindiFor several years, Rwansigazi and Mwirima shared power after their father’s death. However, as time went on the two were so different that the group couldn’t continue. Rwansigazi was an adventurous gorilla and liked travelling while Mwirima preferred to stay at a small range. In 2002 the two silverbacks decided to separate without any fights. Those members that preferred adventure followed Rwansigazi while those who preferred a small range remained with Mwirima. The group that followed Rwansigazi maintained the name Habinyanja while the members who stayed with Mwirima came to be known as the Rushegura family.

Mubare gorilla group

This is also located in Buhoma and consists of 8 individuals including 1 silverback. This gorilla group was the first habituated within Uganda and was open to tourists in 1993. The group was named after the gorgeous Mubare Hills where it was first seen. Initially, the family had 18 gorillas however some of them moved to different groups. In addition, life loss during fights as well as the death of a baby in 2009 reduced to 5 members. In March 2012, the family was attacked by a wild gorilla group who broke Ruhondeza’s leadership.

They took away some of the females and Ruhondeza took refuge in a nearby community forest. He continued to be monitored by researchers, until he died in his sleep on 27 June 2012. In the meantime, successor Kanyonyi managed to expand the family and increased it to eight members including a baby named Kashundwe. Gorilla trekking in this group is much adorable due to the increase in number of members. Recently, the group was filled with joy when they welcomed two babies in the same year 16th October and 7th November 2019.

Bitukura Gorilla group

It is located in Ruhija part of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and is the most recent habituated gorilla family. As a matter of fact, this mountain gorilla family was named after a river that bears the same name. Here, habituation started in July 2007 whereby the group was opened for tourism in October 2008. It normally takes two years of habituation training interestingly, this group was ready for visitors in 15 months. The group originally consisted of 24 members however reduced to 14 members. It is a peaceable family with four silverbacks having the second youngest silverback Ndahura as their leader. Despite the other group recruits and loss or several members, the Bitukura Gorilla Group gets along with one another.

Oruzogo gorilla group

This is also found in Ruhija sector of Bwindi and consisted of 23 members including 1 Silverback. The family was initially opened for tourism on 20th June 2011 and was led by a dominant Silverback “Tibirikwata”. In fact, its one of the most popular families with tourists because of the playful energetic juveniles and toddlers in the group. The family experienced a growth in number due to the births whereby it received more joy when a set of twins was born in March 2012.

Mishaya Gorilla group

Located in Rushaga area in the southwestern part of Bwind, was once part of the Nshongi gorilla group. In 2010 Silverback Mishaya decided to form its own new family which consisted of 12 individuals with 1 silverback. However, figures went on changing due to births, deaths, friends and much more. Silverback was known for his aggressiveness that he fought and was seen in many battles with other gorilla groups as well as unhabituated gorilla families.

His interactions with other gorilla groups could result into fights that won him females to join and expand his family. In 2011, Mishaya was involved in a heated fight with an unhabituated gorilla family. As a result, this left him and a 2 year old infant with injuries all over the body. This was reported by the trackers as ‘severely injured’ and treated by veterinarians from the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project. Unfortunately, Silverback lived only 28 years and on 3rd Feb 2014 he lost his life. He was found dead by the park trackers in the morning, with neither injuries nor history of illness.

Bweza gorilla group

Located in Rushaga sectorand consisted of 7 members including 1 silverback and 2 infants. The group started with the Nshongi family which was the largest family but later split into more groups. This was as a result of some misunderstandings between its members. It had fights in 2013 and therefore Bweza the Silverback opted to finally break away from the rest of the family. The park rangers thought the family would get back but unfortunately they didn’t and this prompted the group to be opened for tourism in the year 2012.

Busingye gorilla group

Also located in Rushaga sector of Bwindi and initially consisted of 9 members. The name Busingye means “peace” and this group separated from Kahungye family. The two separated in the August 2012 due to some misunderstandings.

Nshongi gorilla group

The gorilla group is also located in Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and consists of 36 individuals. The word Nshongi derives from “Omushongi Gwoboki” meaning “honey” and referred to the deep color of the river. Habituation here begun in 2007 and it was officially launched for tourism on 26th September 2009. In 2010, the group split into two; the Nshongi group and Mishaya group.

Kahungye gorilla group

Kahungye is found in Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. The name Kahungye comes from a hill in Rushaga where the family was first spotted. Generally, it comprised of 13 members including 3 Silverbacks. However the number keeps on changing due to a number of factors. These include; demise of gorillas, new births, new entrants, not to mention but a few. The family was opened for tourism in October 2011 but unfortunately they split in less than a year to give birth to a new group called Busingey Gorilla Group.

Nkuringo gorilla group

This can be trekked Nkuringo sector of Bwindi and it was opened up for tourism in 2004. Nkuringo is a Rukiga word meaning a “round hill” and the group consisted of 17 members but went on reducing to 12 members. Furthermore, it was the first gorilla group to be habituated in the entire southern sector of park in 1997. The group was led by an elderly silverback Nkuringo who later died in April 2008 leaving behind two silverbacks. These include; Safari and Rafiki and it was Safari who took over the leadership. Additionally, it was the first gorilla family to welcome a set of twins from mother Kwitonda. They were named Katungi and Muhozi but unfortunately Katungi died at the age of 1.5 years due to illness.

Christmas gorilla group

Based in Nkuringo sector of Bwindi and it is led by a dominant silverback known as Christmas. This Christmas is believed to have been born on Christmas day and the family has 9 members. These include;  3 adult females, 3 black backs and two infants but mainly 6 members seen moving around.

Nyakagezi gorilla group

As a matter of fact, this is only family inhabiting the Mgahinga National Park and it consists of 10 members with 3 silverbacks. Initially, the group was led by the Silverback Mark who led and protected the Nyakagezi gorilla group. This group also liked travelling and crossing borders between Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Later, returned and settled at the Mgahinga National Park in 2012 with 10 members. In fact, more news came up in 2013 when the group welcomed a new born baby increasing the number to 11 members.

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